Thursday, October 29, 2009

Thursday Ten

1. Hot chocolate with my boy today because it was nice and chilly :)

2. We were driving today and saw a black and white cat on the side of the road. Addison said, "Look- it's a dalmation cat!" I explained that cats can't be dalmations because that's only dogs. To that he replied, "Well then what do you call it? A cat-amation?" Makes sense, doesn't it??

3. We have discovered that there are huge tree roots getting into our plumbing, which would explain why we've had a lot of problems recently. They're going to come dig up our yard and make it all better. As much as I wish we owned this home at times, this week I find myself pretty thankful we're renting :)

4. Our finds from the pumpkin patch. I found it interesting what pumpkins the kids picked out for themselves. Cadence got the teensiest, tiniest, cutest one and Addison chose the rare and original silvery- green one (the picture doesn't do it justice- it almost looks like a metal pumpkin-very cool). There were only like three of those in the hundereds and hundreds of pumpkins. I think their selection says a lot about their personalities!

5. Cadence's last day of Mother's Day Out today= sadness. She doesn't really understand yet. Mommy's gonna have to up her game at home to be as exciting, but I'm up for the challenge :) Now that I have a little more time during the days we have more opportunity for things I've been wishing we had time for.

6. This was in the backyard the other day. It practically landed in front of me and opened it's wings to pose for me. That of course made me very happy.

7. Cadence was singing into the microphone after church last night, and the few people that were still in the sanctuary applauded for her. And as I looked up she sure did do a curtsy. I didn't even know she knew how to do that. She's just full of surprises!

8. In honor of the cuteness from the last post of the kids in their costumes, I thought I'd bring a trip down memory lane to compare how much they've grown over the last couple of years.
Look at those sweet babies.

Maybe my camera angle, but I also think the shrubs have grown quite a bit also in the last year!

9. Came across this and thought it was a very good thought:
During the first five years of your child's life, your primary objective as the parent is to teach them to do what you tell them to do, when you tell them to do it with a good attitude. In short, to obey all the way. If your children do not learn to obey you, their parents, they will never be able to listen and obey God.
A simple thought, but it's easier to be consistent and persistent when you can remember the big picture and not just get caught up in the frustrations of the day to day moments.

10. Cadence sang this tonight to bless our food.

And we do thank You, Lord.

Peace out from the Pate house.

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