Friday, October 16, 2009

Thursday Ten

Okay maybe I should stop calling it Thursday Ten since half of the time it's on Friday... I actually waited on purpose this time for Addison's big morning to be through before I posted. We are home after a long morning and afternoon. His surgery went really well. He's cranky and sore, but he was a real trooper the whole time. The staff was very complimentary of how polite and good he was. Can't say how glad I am that the whole thing is just over. So with that being said, here's some items of note this week:

  1. Boo to cedar. Apparently the large cedar forest outside of town is spreading its' pollen to share with the earth right now in some glorious, yellow, bursting clap of glory. And our allergies are greatly opposed to the whole grand show. We are one big pitiful,walking, sniffly-sneezy-watery-eye sight, all four of us.
  2. My days of being in the twenties are now numbered in the single digits. Not sad. Not dramatic. Not feeling that old. Just thinking. More than usual.
  3. We have made our decision about Halloween characters. After being shot down about my brilliant idea of the kids being Thing 1 and Thing 2 from Dr. Suess, Addison has decided to be Mario. And then we talked Carter into being Luigi. So naturally that means Cadence is going to be Princess Peach. (in case anybody is wondering these are all characters from Super Mario brothers the video games and cartoons) So I still get coordinating children, and that makes me happy. Their little moustaches are too cute (the boys)! Pics of course when the time comes.
  4. I bought a new tea this week. Black vanilla. With a touch of milk and sugar..... yummmmmmy.
  5. Chris was feeling yucky at the beginning of the week. With the exception of the raging allergies, he's better now.
  6. So yesterday the cord that hangs down from the garage door opener thing got caught in Addison's door. I didn't know. I backed out and the garage door came down with me. Got out scratching my head wondering what that was and tried it again. It came down again. Realized the cord was stuck in the door = broken/dented garage door. :(
  7. Mom is here for a couple of days -yay!. Watching The Proposal before bed.
  8. Last Friday I went to the elementary school and had my first week teaching "creative movement" with 50 fifth graders. It totally wore me and my voice out, but it was a lot of fun.
  9. Chris totally knocked it out of the park last Sunday when he preached. So proud of that guy. And I enjoyed teaching the college class. I didn't feel like it was that amazing, but I had some good feedback and it was just a good day overall.
  10. So thankful. For Addison's whole procedure. For Dr. Poorman blessing us. For the hospital blessing us. For family blessing us. For Addison being such a trooper and so brave. That it's over. Very glad it's over.
Peace out from the Pate house

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