Monday, October 19, 2009

29 Things

I think it should be a crime to spend the last day in your twenties being sick, but I am. Trying like crazy to get better so I won't be sick on my first day of thirty, too. Nonetheless, I have decided in my sickness boredom to post 29 random things about me to bid adieu to the 20's. For the five people that read this.

  1. I can touch my tongue to my nose. All part of my abnormally large mouth, in which I can also fit my fist inside while we're at it.
  2. I am a wanna-be green thumb. Don't know a whole lot about gardening, but I love it. I'm a sucker for potted flowers on display at the beginning of seasons. There's something really organic and wonderful about getting soil under my fingernails. And I must say, my little corner of perennial flowers are doing quite well. Still blooming into the fall. It's the weeds surrounding the area that are as tall as the flowers that are the problem.
  3. I record the weather every day in case I miss it. Oh come on, don't you like to know how it's going to be outside tomorrow? Those that know this often tease me about it. But they know who to ask when they didn't find out for themselves :)
  4. I never finish the last drink. Of anything. Can, cup, bottle- doesn't matter. Something that probably doesn't make the list of top ten things my husband loves about me.
  5. I started journaling when I was in elementary school. Have continued on and off (sometimes more off) ever since.
  6. I wrestle with those negative feelings and voices saying I'm not a good wife and mother. Which is all I've really ever wanted to be.
  7. To piggyback on that, I really and truly love being a mom. It's the best, most challenging, and most rewarding thing I'll ever do. Though I may accomplish and do many things in this life, this and loving my husband will always matter the most to me. And we've made sacrifices to back this conviction. And will continue to do so whenever needed.
  8. When it's nice enough outside, I try to sneak out in the backyard during rest time and just sit in the sun. Even if it's for ten minutes. I do so much better with a little "still" time, even on the busiest of days. For the Vitaman D, too.
  9. When I was in elementary school, I had a phase of wanting to be a zoologist and go to Africa and live with the monkeys like Jane Goodall. Wrote a paper about it that my younger brother saw years later in the same English class because it had been made into an example.
  10. Which brings me to my next point- I LOVED English. I distinctly remember being giddy about diagramming sentences in the fourth grade. Did lots of outside things involving writing through the years. Especially cherished my sophomore and senior English classes. And I still love English. And words.
  11. I love being pregnant. The good and bad, everything. There is nothing in the entire world like feeling life move around inside of you. (okay, that sounds like I'm pregnant now- don't get any ideas- I'm in fact not pregnant)
  12. I enjoy decorating. Home projects. Making things. Being creative. (is that more than one?)
  13. If I could have five material things right now with cost not being an issue they would be: 1. A new fancy camera. 2. Various pieces of Ikea furniture. 3. An iPhone. 4. A trip with my husband somewhere dramatic and far away. 5. A hammock for the backyard.
  14. Love snow. Wish I saw more of it.
  15. I used to make fun of people on facebook. Now I care more about "what's on everyone's mind" than I should.
  16. I own way more coffee mugs than one needs. And I will continue to buy more because they make me happy.
  17. I like to be clean. Chris would probably say it's a little excessive, but I like to say I just appreciate good personal hygiene. And good smells.
  18. The above comment has now made me extremely curious how Chris would do a 29 things about me....maybe I should ask him :)
  19. I regret not having my Granny teach me to sew. And I miss her.
  20. Two musical artists people might be surprised to find on my ipod are John Legend and Lenny Kravitz. And there's many more :)
  21. I still have hand written notes from seventh grade when Chris and I were going out. Also from my best friend, Katy. Those are special treasures.
  22. I purchase one new Christmas album every year. And let's just say I adore the entire Christmas season. Magical.
  23. I have been a part of leading worship at some capacity and level since I was 17.
  24. I really want another dog. Soon. For my kids as well as for me.
  25. Although my personality is very outgoing, I'm a homebody. I enjoy being with people, but I would prefer to be with my little family most of the time.
  26. I love Target. Who doesn't. I really love buying little people clothes from there. And I wish we had a SuperTarget with a Starbucks in it.
  27. I like to research things on the Internet. I am a well informed consumer. I'm becoming more knowledgeable and more passionate about healthy living and taking care of our bodies.
  28. I could live on fruits and vegetables and never have meat again. I like meat more than I used to though. I even love brussel sprouts. Oh yes I do.
  29. I love life. And more specifically, mine. Though I have regrets just like anyone else and have been doing a lot of thinking about how I can be a more improved version of me this decade, my heart is full when I think about my small years so far. The twenties proved to be a decade of notable firsts- marriage, home, ministry, children, and many other surprising opportunities. Growing into my skin years. Precious years. Hard years. But I am blessed more than I can articulate. I am excited for things to come, and I celebrate the days so far. The large, encompassing theme over it all is the hand of God. Leading. Guiding. Saving. Providing. Imparting. Carrying. And blessing. Lots of grace laced through my days. Thank you, Lord.
That was easier than I thought. Once I got going, I probably could have gone way past 30! It's good to take a little look into yourself like that every now and then. Even the superficial things. Well, here's hoping for a sick-free birthday. Or at least functional enough to enjoy it. Peace out from the Pate house.


  1. when did you start this? so fun! what did addison have surgery for :( i can't believe how old we are getting and how similiar our things were, except i always leave one bite of food haha! miss and love you have a happy birthday

  2. Happy Birthday! I liked hearing about who you are now, not that much has changed. (I'm not at all surprised by Lenny Kravitz.)
