Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Thursday Ten

So there's a lot of blog love lately. If only it looked pretty.... Anyway, I said I would do a Thursday Ten so I must be true to my word:

  1. Close call with Addison- we thought for a second we'd have to change our party plans this weekend, but his whatever it was only had a short 24 hour duration. Thank God.
  2. Heroes- why do you play with our minds the way you do? Why? But we're happy you're back.
  3. Chocolate caramel candy corn. Yes, please.
  4. Bought myself a Starbucks mug. Didn't need it. But I love it, and I'm worth it, right??
  5. Lil' C from So You Think You Can Dance. He has inspired me to look for more ways to incorporate the expression "Buck" in my life. And be more eloquent at the same time.
  6. Excited to see some family this weekend. Yay!
  7. Cadence is the morning-est of morning people. This morning I went in to wake her up and in the darkness the first thing I hear is giggling. She opens her eyes giggling. Gotta love that.
  8. Addison has had a lot of brain references this week. First it was the comment I made a couple of posts ago about his brain falling off of the pink stick. Then he said he was imagining cupcakes in his brain and he could even feel them. And smell them. Then tonight Chris was messing with him and he turned around and said to him "In my brain I was thinking 'Just ignore him'. " I'd like to say that his witty sarcasm comes from me :)
  9. I'm getting the opportunity to go in an elementary school for an hour on Fridays and bring dance to kids. So glad to bring the arts to children that might not otherwise ever be exposed. Oh, and it's for $50/hr. Yep, I'll do it :) Too bad it's just ten weeks.
  10. Thankful for grace. mercy. God's goodness.
Peace out from the Pate house.

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