Thursday, October 22, 2009

Actually on Thursday...

The Thursday Ten. Maybe one day I'll have a blog not in list form again. Today is not that day.
1.)HUGE shout out to my amazing husband. He had planned a little getaway for me for the big 3-0. Even though I was still kinda sick, we had a blast in the Dallas area. He even provided two items off of my five-things-I-wish-I-could-have-right- now list(the getaway and IKEA). It wasn't dramatic and far away, and I didn't buy any furniture, but I could sit in the middle of Podunk, TX at a DQ with that guy and be completely happy just to be together.
2.)Do.not.overdose.on.Mucinex D. In an effort to be functional for our little trip, I took some of that (which I have been taking and it works pretty good). The only problem is I didn't know Chris bought EXTRA STRENGTH. Apparently you only take one of those as opposed to the two of the regular. Oops. We were straight up trippin' the whole day and night. And I'm not just throwing down ghetto talk. I'm talking heart-is-pounding-so-fast-it-feels-like-it's-going-to- blow-loopy-sweaty-wired in a not good kind of way. People, there's a reason that the nice people behind the counter have to get that for you. But I still recommend it in the regular dose for a yucky head and chest :)
3.)We took the kids to Boo at the Zoo on Saturday evening. Somebody thought it would be funny to give one of the monkeys a sucker. Although it was pretty funny to watch, I do hope the dear animal didn't die or anything from the sugary treat.
4.)Barely made it to 60 degrees today. Maybe I just don't remember very well, but it seems like we're having more fall-like weather this year. We are loving it.
5.)My favorite Addison quote from my birthday: A: What is that? Me: Yucky towels that Mommy has to wash and it's really gross (as I'm throwing towels dripping wet with sewage water from backed up plumbing into the washing machine) A: (making a disgusted face) Well, Mommy.... don't you think Daddy should be doing that since it's your lucky day? I will remind my son of this when he's old enough to do such yucky chores.
6.)On the agenda tonight.... salmon and veggies for dinner and a quiet (well probably not quiet) evening home with the family. We're going to bust out a new game Addison got for his b-day : Kid Cranium, Spongebob version. (edit: and after that Chris and I sat there and played another of Addison's kid games, Guess Who, while the kids went off doing other things)
7.)Ikea, how do I love thee- let me count the ways....It's just a monstrosity of goodness. I can't even describe an experience in that place unless you've had one. It's so big that it's kind of overwhelming. But in a good sensory overload, head spinning with ideas, being in love, kind of way. We did come home with a few small items and and TON of inspiration for later. Until we meet again, my friend- I cling to the memories and your catalog.
(I'm sure that you noticed she changed a few words around.... "I stand on the door and look for me...." interesting but very funny.)
9.)Which brings me to my next point: a little sadness that we are going to have to pull Cadence out of Mother's Day Out (that's where she learned that song) because of a couple of changes in our finances. It's the smartest decision, but she is going to be heart-broken. And apparently her teachers are, too. They were begging me today to try to maybe put her in one day instead of two or me be a substitute teacher or something because they love her so much. Geez guys- why don't you make it harder than it already is!!
10.) My friend Belle texted herself in a picture to me today holding a bottle of Peppermint Mocha creamer. That's kind of our special thing, but was also a reminder to me of a very wonderful and magical time of year that's quickly approaching... bring it on!!

Peace out from the Pate house. Chris thinks it's funny that I say this. I told him it's our tag line.

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