Thursday, October 29, 2009

Thursday Ten

1. Hot chocolate with my boy today because it was nice and chilly :)

2. We were driving today and saw a black and white cat on the side of the road. Addison said, "Look- it's a dalmation cat!" I explained that cats can't be dalmations because that's only dogs. To that he replied, "Well then what do you call it? A cat-amation?" Makes sense, doesn't it??

3. We have discovered that there are huge tree roots getting into our plumbing, which would explain why we've had a lot of problems recently. They're going to come dig up our yard and make it all better. As much as I wish we owned this home at times, this week I find myself pretty thankful we're renting :)

4. Our finds from the pumpkin patch. I found it interesting what pumpkins the kids picked out for themselves. Cadence got the teensiest, tiniest, cutest one and Addison chose the rare and original silvery- green one (the picture doesn't do it justice- it almost looks like a metal pumpkin-very cool). There were only like three of those in the hundereds and hundreds of pumpkins. I think their selection says a lot about their personalities!

5. Cadence's last day of Mother's Day Out today= sadness. She doesn't really understand yet. Mommy's gonna have to up her game at home to be as exciting, but I'm up for the challenge :) Now that I have a little more time during the days we have more opportunity for things I've been wishing we had time for.

6. This was in the backyard the other day. It practically landed in front of me and opened it's wings to pose for me. That of course made me very happy.

7. Cadence was singing into the microphone after church last night, and the few people that were still in the sanctuary applauded for her. And as I looked up she sure did do a curtsy. I didn't even know she knew how to do that. She's just full of surprises!

8. In honor of the cuteness from the last post of the kids in their costumes, I thought I'd bring a trip down memory lane to compare how much they've grown over the last couple of years.
Look at those sweet babies.

Maybe my camera angle, but I also think the shrubs have grown quite a bit also in the last year!

9. Came across this and thought it was a very good thought:
During the first five years of your child's life, your primary objective as the parent is to teach them to do what you tell them to do, when you tell them to do it with a good attitude. In short, to obey all the way. If your children do not learn to obey you, their parents, they will never be able to listen and obey God.
A simple thought, but it's easier to be consistent and persistent when you can remember the big picture and not just get caught up in the frustrations of the day to day moments.

10. Cadence sang this tonight to bless our food.

And we do thank You, Lord.

Peace out from the Pate house.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Fun Things

The time of year is approaching where this blog will probably be blasted with pics constantly. It's a photo-worthy time, don't you think? Only one of the many reasons why I start getting really happy and excited round about now. Today I took the kids to a pumpkin patch here in town, and we had a lot of fun. They liked seeing all the different sizes, colors and shapes of the pumpkins, gourds, etc. Who knew it would take so long to find the "perfect" pumpkin for carving?? Managed to snap a few cute fallish pics. I look at them and think they're growing up too fast. As much as I'm trying to cling to and enjoy these moments and squeeze every ounce of life out of them, it is still happening too fast. I'm sure you've already figured this out by now, but if you click on the pictures, you can see them bigger. A little FYI in the event that you did not, in fact, know that.

(they were freaked out by these pumpkins)

And on Tuesday, they got dressed up in their costumes and went to the planetarium with Aunt Alesha, Uncle Eric, and Carter (and Daddy- I was at the gym teaching). Addison seemed to really like the little show- it was his first time to see something like that. He has an interest in all things space as it is, so this was fun for him. Our little Nintendo family turned out ridiculously cute.

Here we have Mario, Princess Peach, and Luigi

Sometimes you just get "those" pics...these next couple are those that I felt really lucky to catch.

It's almost more cuteness than I can handle.

There's more to come I'm sure. Peace out from the Pate house.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Actually on Thursday...

The Thursday Ten. Maybe one day I'll have a blog not in list form again. Today is not that day.
1.)HUGE shout out to my amazing husband. He had planned a little getaway for me for the big 3-0. Even though I was still kinda sick, we had a blast in the Dallas area. He even provided two items off of my five-things-I-wish-I-could-have-right- now list(the getaway and IKEA). It wasn't dramatic and far away, and I didn't buy any furniture, but I could sit in the middle of Podunk, TX at a DQ with that guy and be completely happy just to be together.
2.)Do.not.overdose.on.Mucinex D. In an effort to be functional for our little trip, I took some of that (which I have been taking and it works pretty good). The only problem is I didn't know Chris bought EXTRA STRENGTH. Apparently you only take one of those as opposed to the two of the regular. Oops. We were straight up trippin' the whole day and night. And I'm not just throwing down ghetto talk. I'm talking heart-is-pounding-so-fast-it-feels-like-it's-going-to- blow-loopy-sweaty-wired in a not good kind of way. People, there's a reason that the nice people behind the counter have to get that for you. But I still recommend it in the regular dose for a yucky head and chest :)
3.)We took the kids to Boo at the Zoo on Saturday evening. Somebody thought it would be funny to give one of the monkeys a sucker. Although it was pretty funny to watch, I do hope the dear animal didn't die or anything from the sugary treat.
4.)Barely made it to 60 degrees today. Maybe I just don't remember very well, but it seems like we're having more fall-like weather this year. We are loving it.
5.)My favorite Addison quote from my birthday: A: What is that? Me: Yucky towels that Mommy has to wash and it's really gross (as I'm throwing towels dripping wet with sewage water from backed up plumbing into the washing machine) A: (making a disgusted face) Well, Mommy.... don't you think Daddy should be doing that since it's your lucky day? I will remind my son of this when he's old enough to do such yucky chores.
6.)On the agenda tonight.... salmon and veggies for dinner and a quiet (well probably not quiet) evening home with the family. We're going to bust out a new game Addison got for his b-day : Kid Cranium, Spongebob version. (edit: and after that Chris and I sat there and played another of Addison's kid games, Guess Who, while the kids went off doing other things)
7.)Ikea, how do I love thee- let me count the ways....It's just a monstrosity of goodness. I can't even describe an experience in that place unless you've had one. It's so big that it's kind of overwhelming. But in a good sensory overload, head spinning with ideas, being in love, kind of way. We did come home with a few small items and and TON of inspiration for later. Until we meet again, my friend- I cling to the memories and your catalog.
(I'm sure that you noticed she changed a few words around.... "I stand on the door and look for me...." interesting but very funny.)
9.)Which brings me to my next point: a little sadness that we are going to have to pull Cadence out of Mother's Day Out (that's where she learned that song) because of a couple of changes in our finances. It's the smartest decision, but she is going to be heart-broken. And apparently her teachers are, too. They were begging me today to try to maybe put her in one day instead of two or me be a substitute teacher or something because they love her so much. Geez guys- why don't you make it harder than it already is!!
10.) My friend Belle texted herself in a picture to me today holding a bottle of Peppermint Mocha creamer. That's kind of our special thing, but was also a reminder to me of a very wonderful and magical time of year that's quickly approaching... bring it on!!

Peace out from the Pate house. Chris thinks it's funny that I say this. I told him it's our tag line.

Monday, October 19, 2009

29 Things

I think it should be a crime to spend the last day in your twenties being sick, but I am. Trying like crazy to get better so I won't be sick on my first day of thirty, too. Nonetheless, I have decided in my sickness boredom to post 29 random things about me to bid adieu to the 20's. For the five people that read this.

  1. I can touch my tongue to my nose. All part of my abnormally large mouth, in which I can also fit my fist inside while we're at it.
  2. I am a wanna-be green thumb. Don't know a whole lot about gardening, but I love it. I'm a sucker for potted flowers on display at the beginning of seasons. There's something really organic and wonderful about getting soil under my fingernails. And I must say, my little corner of perennial flowers are doing quite well. Still blooming into the fall. It's the weeds surrounding the area that are as tall as the flowers that are the problem.
  3. I record the weather every day in case I miss it. Oh come on, don't you like to know how it's going to be outside tomorrow? Those that know this often tease me about it. But they know who to ask when they didn't find out for themselves :)
  4. I never finish the last drink. Of anything. Can, cup, bottle- doesn't matter. Something that probably doesn't make the list of top ten things my husband loves about me.
  5. I started journaling when I was in elementary school. Have continued on and off (sometimes more off) ever since.
  6. I wrestle with those negative feelings and voices saying I'm not a good wife and mother. Which is all I've really ever wanted to be.
  7. To piggyback on that, I really and truly love being a mom. It's the best, most challenging, and most rewarding thing I'll ever do. Though I may accomplish and do many things in this life, this and loving my husband will always matter the most to me. And we've made sacrifices to back this conviction. And will continue to do so whenever needed.
  8. When it's nice enough outside, I try to sneak out in the backyard during rest time and just sit in the sun. Even if it's for ten minutes. I do so much better with a little "still" time, even on the busiest of days. For the Vitaman D, too.
  9. When I was in elementary school, I had a phase of wanting to be a zoologist and go to Africa and live with the monkeys like Jane Goodall. Wrote a paper about it that my younger brother saw years later in the same English class because it had been made into an example.
  10. Which brings me to my next point- I LOVED English. I distinctly remember being giddy about diagramming sentences in the fourth grade. Did lots of outside things involving writing through the years. Especially cherished my sophomore and senior English classes. And I still love English. And words.
  11. I love being pregnant. The good and bad, everything. There is nothing in the entire world like feeling life move around inside of you. (okay, that sounds like I'm pregnant now- don't get any ideas- I'm in fact not pregnant)
  12. I enjoy decorating. Home projects. Making things. Being creative. (is that more than one?)
  13. If I could have five material things right now with cost not being an issue they would be: 1. A new fancy camera. 2. Various pieces of Ikea furniture. 3. An iPhone. 4. A trip with my husband somewhere dramatic and far away. 5. A hammock for the backyard.
  14. Love snow. Wish I saw more of it.
  15. I used to make fun of people on facebook. Now I care more about "what's on everyone's mind" than I should.
  16. I own way more coffee mugs than one needs. And I will continue to buy more because they make me happy.
  17. I like to be clean. Chris would probably say it's a little excessive, but I like to say I just appreciate good personal hygiene. And good smells.
  18. The above comment has now made me extremely curious how Chris would do a 29 things about me....maybe I should ask him :)
  19. I regret not having my Granny teach me to sew. And I miss her.
  20. Two musical artists people might be surprised to find on my ipod are John Legend and Lenny Kravitz. And there's many more :)
  21. I still have hand written notes from seventh grade when Chris and I were going out. Also from my best friend, Katy. Those are special treasures.
  22. I purchase one new Christmas album every year. And let's just say I adore the entire Christmas season. Magical.
  23. I have been a part of leading worship at some capacity and level since I was 17.
  24. I really want another dog. Soon. For my kids as well as for me.
  25. Although my personality is very outgoing, I'm a homebody. I enjoy being with people, but I would prefer to be with my little family most of the time.
  26. I love Target. Who doesn't. I really love buying little people clothes from there. And I wish we had a SuperTarget with a Starbucks in it.
  27. I like to research things on the Internet. I am a well informed consumer. I'm becoming more knowledgeable and more passionate about healthy living and taking care of our bodies.
  28. I could live on fruits and vegetables and never have meat again. I like meat more than I used to though. I even love brussel sprouts. Oh yes I do.
  29. I love life. And more specifically, mine. Though I have regrets just like anyone else and have been doing a lot of thinking about how I can be a more improved version of me this decade, my heart is full when I think about my small years so far. The twenties proved to be a decade of notable firsts- marriage, home, ministry, children, and many other surprising opportunities. Growing into my skin years. Precious years. Hard years. But I am blessed more than I can articulate. I am excited for things to come, and I celebrate the days so far. The large, encompassing theme over it all is the hand of God. Leading. Guiding. Saving. Providing. Imparting. Carrying. And blessing. Lots of grace laced through my days. Thank you, Lord.
That was easier than I thought. Once I got going, I probably could have gone way past 30! It's good to take a little look into yourself like that every now and then. Even the superficial things. Well, here's hoping for a sick-free birthday. Or at least functional enough to enjoy it. Peace out from the Pate house.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Thursday Ten

Okay maybe I should stop calling it Thursday Ten since half of the time it's on Friday... I actually waited on purpose this time for Addison's big morning to be through before I posted. We are home after a long morning and afternoon. His surgery went really well. He's cranky and sore, but he was a real trooper the whole time. The staff was very complimentary of how polite and good he was. Can't say how glad I am that the whole thing is just over. So with that being said, here's some items of note this week:

  1. Boo to cedar. Apparently the large cedar forest outside of town is spreading its' pollen to share with the earth right now in some glorious, yellow, bursting clap of glory. And our allergies are greatly opposed to the whole grand show. We are one big pitiful,walking, sniffly-sneezy-watery-eye sight, all four of us.
  2. My days of being in the twenties are now numbered in the single digits. Not sad. Not dramatic. Not feeling that old. Just thinking. More than usual.
  3. We have made our decision about Halloween characters. After being shot down about my brilliant idea of the kids being Thing 1 and Thing 2 from Dr. Suess, Addison has decided to be Mario. And then we talked Carter into being Luigi. So naturally that means Cadence is going to be Princess Peach. (in case anybody is wondering these are all characters from Super Mario brothers the video games and cartoons) So I still get coordinating children, and that makes me happy. Their little moustaches are too cute (the boys)! Pics of course when the time comes.
  4. I bought a new tea this week. Black vanilla. With a touch of milk and sugar..... yummmmmmy.
  5. Chris was feeling yucky at the beginning of the week. With the exception of the raging allergies, he's better now.
  6. So yesterday the cord that hangs down from the garage door opener thing got caught in Addison's door. I didn't know. I backed out and the garage door came down with me. Got out scratching my head wondering what that was and tried it again. It came down again. Realized the cord was stuck in the door = broken/dented garage door. :(
  7. Mom is here for a couple of days -yay!. Watching The Proposal before bed.
  8. Last Friday I went to the elementary school and had my first week teaching "creative movement" with 50 fifth graders. It totally wore me and my voice out, but it was a lot of fun.
  9. Chris totally knocked it out of the park last Sunday when he preached. So proud of that guy. And I enjoyed teaching the college class. I didn't feel like it was that amazing, but I had some good feedback and it was just a good day overall.
  10. So thankful. For Addison's whole procedure. For Dr. Poorman blessing us. For the hospital blessing us. For family blessing us. For Addison being such a trooper and so brave. That it's over. Very glad it's over.
Peace out from the Pate house

Friday, October 9, 2009

The Thursday Ten (on Friday)

Oops. I didn't make it on Thursday again. But at least I'm blogging more, right??

  1. Chris and I enjoyed a night out on Tues. It was so nice to spend some time together, something that is usually fairly common, but we just haven't had the opportunity lately. We even went out in the rain and got soaked. On purpose. Not as glamorous as it sounds, though- we were freezing after like 5 minutes. Oh well- it was still fun. Kind of felt like some things just washed away in the water.
  2. Had a blast Addison's b-day party over the weekend. I just realized that I haven't posted any pics from that. I sometimes forget between facebook and other things where I have posted and where I haven't....The adults had as much fun as the kids did!
  3. Yay and double yay for this fabulous weather. When I went out to my class this morning it was drizzly and 45 degrees. And I think the cooler temps are around for at least a few more days. Busting out the cozy clothes :)
  4. Definitely my favorite Addison quote of the week: (to Poppy) "You have GOT to teach me how to speak dog...." He is convinced that my dad knows what dogs (and horses) are saying. So throughout the weekend he was constantly asking Poppy what Penny, their new sweet little dog that accompanied them, was saying. Of course Poppy always had an answer.
  5. Um, speaking of that, I really want a dog. It was gut wrenching to watch how my children pined over, cuddled, played with, and loved every second of my parent's dog. Someday, my heart, someday...
  6. Had a great launch week at the gym this week. This is where we debut all of our new music and moves for all of the classes. Had a special breast cancer tribute launch and we had shirts made and everything. I really do love my job. So much so that I hardly consider it a job.
  7. Gearing up for a busy weekend. Chris is preaching again Sunday, and I'm teaching his college class for him so he will just have to do one message instead of two! A little unsure about that (the me part), but we'll see!
  8. Vanilla Sprinkles Cookie Crisp. Like regular cookie crisp but with vanilla cookies. Ridiculous.
  9. Cadence singing "This is my commandment that you love one another, that your joy may be full...." You have to witness this one in person to appreciate the insane amount of cuteness represented. Maybe I will capture a little audio and video to enjoy....
  10. Seeing my family. I've really been missing them. Especially my little brothers, who are all grown up now....And spending more time with family at Chris's parents last night. So thankful for family, every last one of ya!

Perhaps I will post a follow up to this top ten with some media (pics and whatnot) later on. For now, peace out from the Pate house.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Thursday Ten

So there's a lot of blog love lately. If only it looked pretty.... Anyway, I said I would do a Thursday Ten so I must be true to my word:

  1. Close call with Addison- we thought for a second we'd have to change our party plans this weekend, but his whatever it was only had a short 24 hour duration. Thank God.
  2. Heroes- why do you play with our minds the way you do? Why? But we're happy you're back.
  3. Chocolate caramel candy corn. Yes, please.
  4. Bought myself a Starbucks mug. Didn't need it. But I love it, and I'm worth it, right??
  5. Lil' C from So You Think You Can Dance. He has inspired me to look for more ways to incorporate the expression "Buck" in my life. And be more eloquent at the same time.
  6. Excited to see some family this weekend. Yay!
  7. Cadence is the morning-est of morning people. This morning I went in to wake her up and in the darkness the first thing I hear is giggling. She opens her eyes giggling. Gotta love that.
  8. Addison has had a lot of brain references this week. First it was the comment I made a couple of posts ago about his brain falling off of the pink stick. Then he said he was imagining cupcakes in his brain and he could even feel them. And smell them. Then tonight Chris was messing with him and he turned around and said to him "In my brain I was thinking 'Just ignore him'. " I'd like to say that his witty sarcasm comes from me :)
  9. I'm getting the opportunity to go in an elementary school for an hour on Fridays and bring dance to kids. So glad to bring the arts to children that might not otherwise ever be exposed. Oh, and it's for $50/hr. Yep, I'll do it :) Too bad it's just ten weeks.
  10. Thankful for grace. mercy. God's goodness.
Peace out from the Pate house.