Thursday, February 4, 2010

Random Mind Dump

I think posts of this nature are more appropriately titled that. The alliteration and concept of Thursday Ten is cute, but I don't always do this on Thursdays, and I don't always have ten things to say and don't want to if I don't feel like it. Someday maybe I'll blog more frequently than bits of thoughts thrown down as an attempt to keep up with the Pates. I didn't originally set out to blog in list form only... But today that is what you get.

So this is what Addison said while watching a commercial about a no-touch home soap dispenser (while I was sitting there thinking that it was kind of a silly invention yet at the same time kind of wanting one): "I think they make those commercials because they are just trying to get your money." You don't get anything past Addison.

2. Got a dozen beautiful red roses and chocolate yesterday. Why, you ask? The answer was that it had just been a while since I'd gotten flowers. Love this man. And can I just say that flowers are so much more delightful just because instead of on a major holiday. Not that I would mind getting them again on a major holiday coming soon :) I tried to put a pic on here of them, but apparently my card reader has decided not to work today. Or maybe ever again. Boo!

3. I got my first pattern for a little girl dress. Yep, I'm going to try to tackle making my first piece of clothing and hopefully it will resemble an adorable little girl outfit when I'm done. Or as close as one could get on their first try. Not gonna lie- even though it's an "easy" one I looked at the pattern and wondered what I had gotten myself into.... we shall see. If it all goes well we might have a homemade Easter dress, people! Move over Martha Stewart!

4. There are so many things brewing in my spirit right now. I wish I could articulate some of them, but I don't think it's time yet. I'm feeling the gentle nudging to write more. I've mentioned this before. Still don't know what that looks like yet. Have a separate blog- one for family related things and one for spiritual things? I agree with Rob Bell who says everything is spiritual, so I see it hard to make that separation, as if my every day life was not spiritual. It's totally spiritual. It is the basis of most of my inspiration to spiritual thinking. Maybe the blog could just have different theme days or something. Are you tired of me thinking out loud yet??

5. Becoming aware of the need for my sweet daughter to be engaged in more "feminine" things. Dance class is good, but it is thrown in there with being in a class full of boys at church and having an older brother, older boy cousin, and just "rough and tough" stuff all the time. Poor thing just doesn't have many little girls in her world. She is so girly in many ways, but I know that if I do not nurture and encourage her feminine qualities and bring her up as a young lady, those things that are innate in us as women can get drowned out in the noise of everything else competing for her attention. I don't want her growing up being confused in her identity and letting the things of the world help dictate what that looks like, but rather embracing the things that make her special, that make her a daughter of the King, and being confident in that. And I'm feeling the weight of that. In a good way, not a bad way. And that goes for Addison, too (except obviously meaning for him becoming a man), but my role in bringing up a son is drastically different than my role in bringing up a daughter.

6. And now a very humorous story that supports my case mentioned above- okay, not seriously- it's just darn funny. A couple of nights ago as the kids were taking a bath, Cadence pointed at Addison and said, "I'm going to get one of those like Addison when I get bigger. When I turn four." I'm going to let you draw your own conclusions in what she was referencing to keep this cyber-space appropriate. We have much to learn, daughter. Much to learn.

7. Addison has seven lessons left to be done with first grade math. I suppose we'll go on and start second grade math, but I'm just not in a hurry for him to breeze his way through school and grow up too quickly. Is that wrong? Trying to find a good balance of keeping him challenged and letting him excel and making sure he stays grounded and has lots of "six year old moments". I'm sure Chris and I will have many discussions of that nature concerning him through the years, because he'll be one to always be ahead of the game. Geez- we love our precious children! Such a blessing and source of joy to our hearts.

8. Chris has entered a new set of digits in his journey of being a smaller man. Each time a new set of ten comes along it's a huge victory. I'm so proud of him. His life change has inspired discipline in other areas of our life that were much needed. He is an inspirational and motivational leader that can lead by example. I love that.

9. Cinnamon Dolce Lattes from Starbucks are lovely. Anything cinnamon is lovely, for that matter. Had one Monday morning with Addison while Cadence was in dance class. And I of course found a new mug there that I feel I need one day (what? If you drink a lot of coffee you needs lots of cute mugs...). Those are sweet little moments we get to share, just me and him. Take this six year old out and you'll be surprised at how much conversation you will have :) He'll make you think on your toes.

Well, I'm going to try to get myself up and accomplish something this evening. Been fighting perpetual sinus issues and have had more bad days than good ones lately. Very frustrating. Especially when the pace of my life doesn't allow much time for "slow". Yet I seem to be stuck in slow motion lately. Also not good when your job is working out to work people out. Oh well, the show must go on!

Peace out from the Pate house

1 comment:

  1. I love what you wrote about Cadence and her roll as your beautifully written. Having a daughter is such a gift!!!!
