Friday, January 29, 2010

Funny Little People

...saying funny little things.

And a couple of other random moments from a week in the life. Word.

1. Addison:
"Does the Holy Spirit have a middle name?"

2. Cadence: (Running to me in her usual high-drama style and very whiny voice, I can tell she's going to tell on Addison....) "Mommy, Addison is trying to break my heart!!" (because he was scaring her)

3. I was having a conversation with Addison about fasting. He told me that he would like to fast (this was brought to his attention by a recent fast Chris and I did) and we were talking about what it means. I started talking about how it helps us hear God better because we put so many other things in our mind and heart like video games, TV (relating to this six year old's world), etc. As I was talking he started motioning for me to be quiet and I said, "Why?" He said, "Well, I'm trying to do what you said. I'm trying to listen for God." He later told Chris that he really would love to hear what God sounds like. Oh son, that such instant obedience would be in every area of life. Like when I say stop wrestling your sister. Or put your shoes on. But all joking aside, it was a tender and precious conversation about the things of God. Kingdom goodness.

*And he also said he wants to hear God because he wants Him to say that he's going to marry Kaylee (one of our friend's daughters at church whom he has taken a little more interest in than we'd like lately....seriously- six years old). *

4. Usually when one thinks of hazardous hobbies things like skydiving or storm chasing come to mind. Perhaps swimming with sharks. Sewing, not so much. Apparently so (no pun intended) much with me. Because I sure did sew my finger into my machine. Well, not really, but the needle pierced through my fingernail and broke the needle tip right off. That's right, I broke my needle. It sounds worse than it ended up being, but still.... there was blood involved, people. Is there some kind of merit badge for this in the seamstress world like when you make your first pillow? First sewing wound? Probably not, because I'm sure normal people do not do such things.

5. Speaking of pillows, I threw a couple together yesterday for the couch and finally finished my picture wall project. Happy me.
Yes, I can see a couple of pictures are crooked. This wall gets bumped several times a day, therefore, I am constantly straightening frames. Also, I am not thrilled with how the colors of my pics get altered when I put them on Blogger. Kind of dull, not as vibrant as the original pics.

6. Cadence: "Look my hair is going down my back. That means I'm almost a princess." Of course.

7. I am enjoying another blast of winter today, although the snow missed us and went north (where many other family members are enjoying, or not enjoying it). Sad because we had to cancel our life group tonight, though. I'm really going to enjoy going through Lisa Bevere's study, Nurture. She hits on my passion buttons every time, I tell ya. She articulates many things on my heart.

8. Upon writing #7 above, it just occurred to me that random winter storms do tend to pop up at will around here, sometimes well into March....

(praying) Lord, if You could keep said storms away the last week of February it would be really awesome. This is a very important week in our life, so we really need to catch a plane to Nashville. Thanks. In Jesus' name, Amen.

More about this later....

And now I'm done. Peace out from the Pate house.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much... So thrilled to hear you're enjoying "Nurture"! You are an answer!

    Visit our blog @!
