Friday, February 26, 2010

Nashville: The End.

So I guess I'm going to test blogging from my phone. Don't know if I'll have the patience for a long post since I'm still adjusting to touch screen typing!

It's really hard to put into words what happened yesterday, and the whole week for that matter. As I put on my facebook status earlier, we received a massive upgrade on the inside this week. Being around all of these amazing people has really stretched and challenged our faith. Some of these guys are planting churches where they don't know a soul and are far far from family and friends but have a burning in their heart for these cities and a clear word from God to stand on. That was so inspiring to me.

And concerning us, which I'm sure some of you are wondering about, our exit interview was very interesting. We were the very last couple to get called in which was so nerve racking! I was thinking maybe they knew we would be upset with the news they gave us and didn't want us to have to face everyone afterwards. Kevin told us since he knew us he wanted us to be tortured. That's so Kevin. The bottom line is that we were given the go ahead to pursue whatever we wanted, with the condition that we read two books that were recommended to us.

What took place afterwards is difficult to even talk about or describe. The things that were said in that room are the kind of things you put away deep in your heart, like seeds planted deep down in the soil. It's not the kind of thing I will discuss in cyberspace- too precious, personal, and deep. And frankly a little scary and overwhelming. In the right kind of way. I could feel the weight of the words coming from each person sinking in my spirit. They were speaking with such reverence and seriousness. When people like that look at you and tell you what they see through their developed skill to do so combined with the discernment of the Holy Spirit, it's quite humbling and overwhelming. It's almost like feeling an obligation and responsibility to live up to the potential that's been laid out before you. That person they were talking about was so much bigger than the person I feel like on the inside. And that's what I meant when I said I felt like the inside of us got enlarged and expanded.

So now we have a lot of things to figure out. But what an amazing week. We are different people than when we got there at the beginning of the week. I know that's pretty vague but that's about as far as I can go for now. When we know more we'll let you know!!

On another completely different and superficial note, Nashville gave me a particularly amazing food experience. I don't usually get that excited about food, but Chris pointed out to me that at every meal I was saying how amazing it was. From a salad dressing to a dip to main courses, it was a feast for my senses!

I have some more pics to post but I'll have to wait until I'm at my computer to do so. I do want to say thanks again for everyone who has prayed for us this week. We were affirmed and encouraged beyond anything we ever thought would happen. Please keep praying for us as we continue to seek clarity.

Looking forward to seeing my babies tomorrow. We missed them! And again I will say what a week...

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