Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Nashville: Day Three

Well, let's see...we got to the center and began like every other morning with some worship. Then we immediately got together and worked on our big group presentation. We had until after lunch and then we made the presentation. We had (thanks to the direction of my husband) everyone broken up into teams to make the information more manageable and easier to do. A lot of people did some homework over the night. Us not so much! We delegated and went home to relax!! It was funny because Chris is the one who nominated the guy we looked to for the "lead" man on the project, and then he turned right around and any time he got pulled away for an interview he had Chris in charge and helping everyone. This project was probably one of the high points for Chris because he really got to step up and have a lot of influence and leadership over the group. The assessment team was strategic in how they pulled people away from the interviews. Once we established the leader and he began to take over, they pulled him out. Same thing happened again today. So he left and Chris was in charge. Well, guess who got pulled next....

So off we go to our ministry interview. And wondering how it was going to be when we got back into the group after being gone. Big, fat snowflakes were swirling around us outside all day long. It was so beautiful in the midst of those big hills. This interview was really long (maybe it just felt like that), and there were three assessors in there this time. They asked both of us questions, but mostly Chris. A lot about what he thinks his limitations are, and pretty much just drilling us on all things ministry and our personal spiritual lives. Some of the discussion about us (and to everyone in the group sessions) is how you handle being young and being the lead pastor. So some talk about that and what he would do to combat that. I think we were in there like an hour!

When we got back we only had a few minutes to get ready for this presentation we were about to do. Which was kind of crazy for Chris because he was in charge of presenting the vision part, which is sort of important. I don't remember if I said it earlier, but each person in the group was required to talk in this 25-30 minute presentation. Surprisingly enough, it ended up going really well. Everyone did a great job. We had a powerpoint show and made the pitch to the "rich business man" and his "people". I'm happy to say that he decided to invest into our church plant! What was really awesome is that they had some great things to say for feedback, and then Kevin York told us (and then heard others say after that) that this was the best presentation they've ever seen from an assessment center. Wow. That was huge! Some of the things they said that were so great were a direct result of what Chris did. Whether they saw that or not I don't know, but it still made him feel good.

After the presentation they gave us the low down on what would happen tomorrow. We'll be getting one of three recommendations: green light: go for it any time you're ready, yellow light: we see the call on you and believe you can do it but need a little more time and gathering before you go plant, and red light: being a lead guy is just not your lane and you will not be advancing the Kingdom to the best of your ability if you try to do this. This is when I started feeling a little nervous! So basically tomorrow morning we show up, have worship (which Chris and I get to do so that will be awesome), have some kind of group meeting and the exit interviews will begin. One couple at a time they will pull us out to give us our fate. We prayed over all of the assessors before they left to deliberate that God would just give them wisdom and guide the whole process. These people really know what they're doing and not only use their abilities and gifts but rely on the Holy Spirit and spiritual discernment to make their decision. There's a whole lot of trusting the process and trusting God in the process!

So this has been an insane roller coaster ride of emotions. One minute you're feeling good about something, one minute you're doubting everything and feeling so insecure. Obviously this process is designed to do that- they're trying to break us down and see what we're made of! As Chris and I were driving away today, it was sobering/nerve racking leaving that place knowing that they were going to spend the rest of the day talking about everything about us and making a decision. I honestly can't say we just feel great- we're doing the whole wish-we-would-have-said-that or I-regret-this thing. Not that it's going to do any good or anything! But again, whatever is said we believe will be for our best. So we're going in expecting anything to happen! We know that God is in control and He has great plans for us. Even if we're not quite ready for the next thing we're well on our way. I guess we'll have something to say tomorrow....and we'll try to get a little rest between now and then :)

Still didn't take a lot of pics, but I did manage to snap a couple on my phone. Definitely taking my camera tomorrow.

This was when we were working on our group project last night. It's not everybody.
These are my cool new England friends, Yvette and Suzanne (pronounced Su Zahn, with an accent). Actually they're from South Africa but are at a church in London. And you know I wish I talked like them :)

Now on the left our friend, Tanya, from Russia. Also cool accent. And her husband's name is Pasha, which constantly makes me think of So You Think You Can Dance.

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