Thursday, February 24, 2011

A Snapshot of Five

*This post was started yesterday on Cadence's actual birthday- it just didn't make it to post status until today :)

This time five years ago I was sitting in a hospital still dizzily trying to recall what had just happened that day.  What started as a somewhat routine induction ended up with Cadence making a very quick, dramatic entrance in the world. In some ways it seems like that should have been just yesterday when I think about her being five years old today. In other ways, I can hardly remember what our family was like before she was part of it.

This is probably one of my favorite pictures ever. So fresh, so new. A daughter.

Since I got all mushy mushy for Valentine's Day, I decided to just do a quick snapshot in list form of some things that make Cadence, well, Cadence at five:

*Totally into My Little Ponies (this has been a longstanding love in her life), Barbies, Disney Princess, Nintendo DS, and Pokemon (as much as we're trying to discourage that one).

*Not as loyal to a particular cartoon right now as she has been in the past (Dora, Yo Gabba Gabba, etc). Maybe because there's 100 choices and she like them all, so she jumps around.

*Loves to color, paint, cut, glue (especially glue things to your wall...), dress up, wear jewelry.

*Sleeps with about ten animals on any given night, but right now the two that are non-negotiable are Hello Kitty (or Rita as you named her) and Mr. Doggie.  One tightly squeezed in each arm, almost covering your whole face.

*Loves to do school every day.  So eager to learn, so eager to be a big girl.

*Best buds currently are Annika, Kami, Nic, Sam, Victoria, and of course Addison :)

*Very bossy assertive, emotional, sassy, but generally happy and affectionate. With exception of the diva moments.

*Extremely quirky. I don't even have any other way to describe or expound on that.  Just what you think when you see the word quirky. Yep.

*Puts hands on hips frequently, almost like the period at the end of what she says.

*Thinks she is entitled to dessert after every single meal, and will always have "room" in her tummy for it, even if she didn't have room to finish her dinner...

*Every bit (and more) as delightful and fun as she is challenging and at times frustrating :)

We had an art party this past weekend.  It was this place that you paint your own pottery and then they put it in the oven and all that stuff.  We haven't picked up our finished pieces yet, but it looked like they had fun doing it! Perfect party for our little artist!

Cadence's rainbow cake. I had a lot of fun making this! Check out the inside...

 All of our friends at the party! We had a great time!

See the rest of the birthday pics here

Since I did the whole musical slide show for her b-day last year, I decided not to do it again.  Maybe every other year or something. Still hard to believe my baby is five.  And even harder to believe that she is about to make the transition from the baby to the middle child. Lots of changes around here!  More on that soon to come... But for now, peace out from the Pate house.

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