Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Wednesday. You are lovely and random.

Been a while since I've done a mind dump, so I thought I'd change it up a bit with some funny thoughts from our little ones among other, well...randomness:

Cadence has decided in this past week that her new nickname is "Grapes". This literally came out of nowhere, but she is adamant about it. Grapes.

It's amazing how reading opens up a new world for you when you're young.  Addison came out of the bathroom last night and says, "Mommy, you have got to buy some new soap.  This is really dangerous." After some prodding about it, turns out he read the label on the back of the soap and saw that it said to get medical attention immediately if swallowed. (just like every other soap but he's never seen that before) He was thinking like if he washed his hands and then later had his fingers in his mouth he was going to be sick or something.  It was funny.

So I've been pretty good about eating during this pregnancy- I mean I have moments but I haven't had many crazy lady pregnant moments. Until today when Chris came home from the grocery store and lovingly brought me a jar of whole dill pickles (always thinking about his wife, so sweet). So as I was cooking dinner I opened them.  And had three. THREE. (whole pickles, mind you) Let's just say it didn't go so well with me... But in that moment they were so good. Really.

I posted this on Facebook today, but here's a joke Cadence came up with.
"Why did the sauce talk to the cookie?
(I don't know, Cadence- why?)
Because he was saying, 'Hey get out of the way I'm trying to watch the movie.'"
Yep, that's what is inside of her funny little mind.

On a serious, proud mamma note, I did a couple of reading level assessments with Addison this week, and he is reading (as a seven year old, just in case you forgot) between a 5th and 6th grade level.  I'm not surprised, but I was curious to see exactly where he was at.  Now, penmanship is a different story... :) But the guy is a smarty pants. That's all there is to it.

Well, I don't have anything really funny to tell on Chris this week.  He's too busy being awesome, I guess. Or maybe there's just so many funny moments throughout the day that I can't even single out one. Something like that.

We have been having lovely weather this week.  No humidity, perfect temps, just fabulous.  And this is what Cadence looks like after an artist has been at work outside on the sidewalk:

I guess that's about it coming out of H-town tonight. And on that note, peace out from the Pate house.

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