Friday, September 10, 2010

Um, Teacher...

Been getting into our groove around here with school. It's been going pretty good, considering it usually takes a little bit for everyone to get settled in. This year, although Cadence is still just preschool age, she is totally into doing school. As in, she is the first one awake every day (most days) and will ask repeatedly until we begin if it's school time yet. And she sits at the table with us the entire time. And she gets mad if she runs out of things to do before Addison (which usually happens because the work load of a four year old and a second grader is just a little different). Fortunately, she loves to color and can do that for hours so that will usually tide her over after she's done. It's certainly kept me on top of my game, because I was planning on doing some small things with her, but I really wasn't expecting to have to drum up an entire preschool curriculum! I do love that she loves learning so much :)

This is a funny example of how serious she is taking this....the other day I had just helped her and I was getting Addison into his next lesson. She was coloring, but it obviously was very important to get my attention and approval at that moment so she tugs at my arm and says, "Um, teacher..." This got a gut laugh from Addison. Here is a shot of her in action. You can just see how hard she is concentrating!

So serious!

Addison continues to wow us with his level of intelligence. He has his areas that we have to work on (handwriting at the top of the list), but things like math and reading come so easy to him it's crazy. I pray for him, though, because I know the things that will challenge him will be very frustrating for him. The downside to being a natural at most things is that the things that come along your way that do not immediately come easy hit really hard. Not that I would consider myself a natural at most things, but I have to admit he comes by this pretty honestly because his daddy and I both struggle with this tendency toward the whole perfectionism thing. So we know by experience how he will have to work through that as he grows. But fortunately, we know a lot of ways to combat it too! I love this pic I took of him today as I was giving him a spelling test:

What I love is that little smirk- that "Oh I so got this one" look after I said the word. So great.
And just because I haven't posted any since we got him, here's what you'll usually find Mac doing during school. Waiting.right.there. Though the kids put him through the ringer, he comes back for more. He kinda likes those guys:)

Do you notice how light his coat has gotten? We have no idea what color he is going to wind up being!

And still waiting. Such a cute and sweet exterior, yet 100% little stinker on the inside.

Now off to enjoy the remainder of our evening. The rest of my family is tearing up some Mario Kart in the next room. And it doesn't bother Chris one bit that he "has" to do the really hard levels to help them. :) A little bit of fun before it's back to work! Peace out from the Pate house.

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