Sunday, January 11, 2009


So I've been thinking a lot lately about how I'm already starting to forget some of the things I don't want to forget when it comes to my precious little children and family.  With this in mind I've decided to go cyberspace and document our little daily adventures.  The kids are constantly saying or doing something to make us smile, cry, laugh, pull our hair out, or think (mostly the full gamut on a daily basis). I look at the sparatic times over the years I've written some of these things down and I'm immediately drawn back into those moments.  Or I look at pictures (something I'm actually good about doing) and it reminds me.  But the pictures don't tell the whole story.  The little people in those pictures were in stages doing things we thought we'd never forget because at the time they were so much a part of them and became identified with them.  But there's this phenomenon called time that steals away our babies and replaces them with toddlers, children, adolescents, and then adults.  Okay so I'm only in the toddler and child part but even that has happened faster than my mind can wrap around and absorb everything I want to from it.

Thus, this blog.  I'll admit, this is mostly my own self-indulgence and quest to preserve our family stories.  And though I'm not expecting a large audience that would actually care much about our little space in the world, I did think in part when coming up with this idea about a small circle of people who we love a lot and love and are entertained by our children as much as we are.  And so this is also for you.  To bridge the gap in the miles and attempt to pull you into our living room as we're laughing and living.  And if you're new to the blog-o-sphere, there's a link below all the posts where you can leave a comment and give us some feedback.  I'll also be putting a link on here where you can subscribe by e-mail.  We'll see what happens.  I do know one thing.  In the Pate house, there's always a story to tell.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful Kacee! I'm looking forward to keeping up with The Chronicles of the Pate Family. Keep em' coming!
