Sunday, January 18, 2009

Processing and reflecting

Well I didn't really intend on starting the blog and walking away from it all week without at least a funny story or something.  This week is almost a blur.

This mommy's world is getting rearranged, therefore the family's world is getting rearranged.   It's actually very amazing and a "Thank You Lord" thing.  When I first started Pilates, I figured it would take a substantial amount of time to build up to the 15 hours a week I committed to in the beginning.  At the beginning of the week I had two clients and three hours a week.  Since the grand opening (in which I was at the gym for 10 hours straight) last Monday, which was a huge event and success, I now have 5 clients and 9 hours a week.  Add to that my 6 hours of Group Fitness I do, and I'm well on my way to what my full schedule is going to look like.  Just thought I'd have a little more time to adjust and get used to the change.  But it's such a blessing because not only is it a light at the end of the very long, difficult financial tunnel and an answered prayer, but I don't even consider it work because I enjoy it so much and love the opportunity to help people change their lives and be better.  I guess it's very much a job since I'm going to be working about 20 hours a week when it's all said and done.  And still being with my babies (which we both have always felt so strongly about). Still blows my mind.  God's plan, timing, and favor are worth the wait.

That being said, I'm feeling a little overwhelmed right now juggling that, school with Addison, potty training Cadence, church, leading my weekly life group, somewhat keeping up with the house, and Chris and I keeping our relationship strong.  And Chris is having to make adjustments of his own- things like having to learn how to do Cadence's hair (which Addison informed him he's not very good at) and graciously step in and take a bigger role at home with me being gone some evenings and early mornings.  Which he has already been doing and has been amazing, it's all just getting a little more intense.  But we praise God for it and know that everything in our life right now is ordained and planned by Him, therefore there is a way to make it all work and flourish in it, and the unbelievable power of grace to walk it out.  We're seeking Him like crazy!

Outside of our new schedule, the sum total of our little world can pretty much be defined in one phrase: Potty training.  It consumes us!  The (mis)adventures of this process with Cadence has been interesting to say the least.  She is doing a pretty good job, but she has this little issue:  she's, horrified, of her own poop.  I guess it is a pretty scary thing if you think about it, especially for a two year old.  So we are having a very hard time getting her to go on the potty because she freaks out screaming about it and repeats over and over "We gotta flush it real fast..."  We are definitely ready for it to be done and big girl panties in place!  Debunking the poop monster myth has been a challenge, but I know we'll all laugh about it one day.  One day.  Not so funny for now... I made some spiritual parallels about potty training on our life group blog I have.  It has been a test of patience for both me and Chris, which is probably why it's being drawn out... knowing how God works like that :)

Our precocious and pensive son is going along for the ride.  He is currently going through a surprising stage of being very shy around people.  We didn't really expect that, but he is getting increasing self awareness so he's working through that.  He won't speak to anyone he doesn't know well- something new.  We saw our first glimpse of it at Bryan and Jenna's wedding when he was the ring bearer.  He freaked out at the rehearsal and almost couldn't go through with it. Not a manipulation or attention getting game- real and genuine fright.  But it was an amazing opportunity to talk to him about being afraid and how God helps us through that and we can go to Him.  He listened and agreed, but I wondered how much he would really take it to heart and believe God would give Him courage.  The day of the wedding, Chris asked him if he needed to pray with him so he wouldn't be scared.  He informed him that God had already helped him and he didn't need to pray about it anymore.  And that's all there was.  He did his job and was a different kid.  What I loved about the whole thing is that He gave God the credit for not being scared anymore.  His mind didn't reason it out and eventually decide that he was just better- he simply took us (and God) at our word and His word that His power helps us do things we feel we can't do.  A sign that perhaps his very literal and black and white way of thinking and processing will be an advantage for him in the things of the Kingdom.  Hopefully, with prayer, guidance, and building a biblical worldview, he truly will just take God at His Word because He said so.  And it's that simple.  I will do everything in my power to see that is not complicated and jaded by the things of this world.

I promise I will not always have such lengthy posts- I just needed to process some things since I scarcely had time to even think this week.  I forewarned you that this may lean towards a little self-indulgence at times.  I actually kept it pretty brief compared to everything floating around in my head right now :) It's very theraputic for me and sometimes writing things out helps put things into perspective for me.  And I have a feeling I will constantly be needing perspective with the pace of our life.  And potty training.  And I leave you with this...

(A song from our DVD Potty Power- "No more diapers for me.  I'm gonna use the potty, gonna give it a try.")

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