Monday, November 15, 2010

Little bit of this and that

I seem to be having this problem lately about blurring the lines of actual reality and things that go on in my head. For instance, I will have a conversation in my head about something someone wrote me or texted me, and because I thought about it so much sometimes I actually think it happened. And then I don't actually do it.  Interesting, I know. Senile, even. Can we just chalk it up to stress and call it a day? All that to say I have done the same thing here.  Inspiration will hit me and I will write an entire blog in my head, and then I get on here and am almost shocked at what is last documented in relation to what I thought was on here. Yikes.

I'm just going to go ahead and go list style on you today. There's things to say but probably too random to try to string together in paragraph form... so here's the little dump from my brain about things making me smile lately.

1. Got to go see one of my all time favoritest artists, Brooke Fraser, at the House of Blues Tues night. It was awesome to have a night out with my super duper husband, and having a concert at a cool venue like HOB was certainly bonus. What was not bonus, however, was that we didn't realize we'd be standing the whole time. Our feet were killing us by the time it was over and we felt really old, but it was still an amazing show. I mean, who can sing like her?? Plus she's really funny and quirky so there was humor throughout.  Like when the band started playing the opening number and she was in the bathroom, so she came out on stage and after the song was over proceeded to tell us all about her experience. And we totally had another one of those we-really-love-living-in-the-city times.

2. Peppermint mochas and peppermint hand soaps. My mind has been on the holidays constantly. And that always makes me happy. I'm going to be taking lots of pics of the amazing decorations (that are all already up) around the city. And our own decorations are coming out very soon, oh yes they are. Gonna change it up a little bit this year.  Happiness

3. Lots of teeth around here lately. Missing, that is. I don't even know that I've mentioned it on here (but most of you know anyway) that Cadence is now missing her front two teeth. Knocked loose and then out before their time, sadly. The second one that was knocked loose came out a week or two ago. Don't know what it is about Pate kids and tooth trauma, but the same thing happened to Addison, if you'll remember.... and he lost another today.  This one was on it's own though. So much so that the adult tooth is already coming in. Even the dog was loosing his baby teeth around the same time.  Geez!

4. Saw Megamind on Monday. Seriously, that movie was so funny! And clever. We really had to talk Addison into not telling on us for sneaking in our own candy to the theater. Mr. Justice police did not think that was a good idea. He asked if it was illegal, and we lied said not exactly, but we explained how they didn't want you to do that because they'd just rather you come and spend all your money there. So he says, "So they're greedy." And with that he has justified us bringing our own candy into the theater and all is right in his world. So funny, that one. It will be interesting indeed to observe how his overdeveloped sense of oughtness will play out as he grows older.

5. Cadence is a very entertaining person to carry on a conversation with. Mostly because she usually tracks with you for the most part and then all of a sudden she twists off into her own interpretation of what's going on and then it becomes very interesting...For example- we were talking to her about going to serve families that don't have much food here in a couple of weeks, and she started saying yay!!  Aw, that's sweet that she's so excited about that we thought. Then she says, "But I don't know how to do that. You have to teach me how to do that." We were a little confused until we realized she was talking about surfing. She thought we were talking about going surfing. And then we all got a good laugh.

6. It's been a little rainy and muggy the last few days, but the weather has been so absolutely delightful around here. Houston even has days that aren't humid. Who knew? Didn't know she had that in her, but we welcome the chill in the dry air.

7. Yay for two weekends in a row of family. Last weekend Chris's mom and sister (aka Nana and Aunt Alesha) came down for a conference so we got to hang out.  This past weekend my bro, uncle Bryce and his girlfriend came from school because they had a free weekend and were missing us :) We so enjoyed our time. Being so far away from everyone now it's always nice to have that familiar feeling of family around. Especially for the kiddos. I only got one silly picture while they were here- shame on me for not taking more!

8. So Cadence is always the first one up (almost always) in the mornings. We've mentioned this before. She climbs in our bed and watches cartoons and inadvertently kicks me in the ribs and hits me in the face snuggles with her half conscious parents until we get up.  With the time change she has been getting up just a little earlier than we'd like, and this particular morning she was in our bed with two My Little Ponies. And she was singing. Loud. Well, it was just so precious it was hard to be too grumpy about it (as admittedly I can be sometimes when it's early).  Somehow, in my very sleepy stupor, I had the quick thinking to reach over and grab my phone off the nightstand and start recording her.  This is what the ponies were singing to us this morning. And Chris and I rolled over, looked at each other, and started our day off with a smile. On our face and in our heart.

*I actually had to get a reenactment of the song because I just couldn't get the audio clip to post. And I'm not going to even talk about how long it took me to get this video to work and get on here. I'm just happy it finally worked. This version is better because you can see her. She colored a piece of paper for the stage for the ponies. And you can see when the song is over the ponies walk off stage. *

Just a snippet of things happening around here. Since I waited so long to post it's only a sampling but there you go. Peace out from the Pate house.

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