Thursday, December 31, 2009

Bye Bye 2009

Well, here it is the night of the last night of the year. We are home from our journeys, and we had a wonderful, white Christmas. It snowed everywhere- Arkansas, Oklahoma, and even here at home (although we missed that one). It was a major bummer that Chris ended up being sick for most of the time, but we tried to still make the best of it. I'll admit I was trying not to be discouraged and down because he/we were looking forward to/needing this vacation and then bam- sickness. But sick or not, it's always good to spend time with family and have some time away.

So not only is this a new year, it's a new decade. Not only a new decade for the world, but a new decade for the Pate family. It's kind of cool turning 30 and starting a new decade with the actual year. Change is standing in the doorway, peering into our home and waiting to be ushered in. New beginnings. Things we know not of to come, things only in concept and dream for the moment. But it's very comforting to know that our steps are ordered and directed, and they are being laid out as we speak. We are looking ahead and anxiously waiting to walk in them. We are laying to rest days rich in maturing and growing, the kind of growing that comes with growing pains. The kind of growing that makes you ready to just reach the point of growth you're headed towards so you can ease up for a minute. But I wouldn't trade our journey for all the journeys in the world. It's our journey. And it's one heck of a ride.

I'll have to play catch up to get some pics and video on here from the holidays, but I'll leave you with a few from our trip. Here's to the new year and all it holds. Peace out from the Pate house.

Playing the new lady bug game with Granna- lots of game playing over the holiday!

And the Bible Trivia game was going on at the other table- one of Addison's new games

Making a gingerbread house in Arkansas on Christmas Eve

This picture taken before the whole thing collapsed!
Waking up to a white Christmas and checking out the window

Reading Addison's note from Santa
We all got new Christmas PJ's!
Playing in the snow

Making a snow angel for the first time

I love this picture because he's throwing snow in the air

Back in OK riding Sanchez with Uncle Duck

John 3:16 the horse who thinks he's a puppy- he loves to be scratched and cuddled! It was so funny!
The snow in the pasture and open plain was so beautiful!

All bundled up with Poppy! Cadence just loves being outside

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