Thursday, January 20, 2011


Have you been keeping up with our January?  Oh, what's that? You haven't seen us on here? Well that's because you blinked and we zoomed past you at lightening speed. Well, that's partly true.  I haven't really been on here, but the part about us zooming by is totally true.  In fact, if you blink twice, you might miss Jan and Feb both!  That's just how it's going down in the Pate house right now. All good things, just busy! (It occurred to me that I don't think I've ever said we're not busy...I see a theme here.)

We actually like to say we're not busy, we're intentional. All of the activity is very exciting right now, as a matter of fact.  2011 is already starting off really awesome in the church.  This past Sunday on a cold, rainy day (which makes every pastor cringe because they know people will want to sleep in instead of come to church so you brace yourself for low attendance), we set a new attendance record of almost 90 people. That's huge for us!  Then that night we had 12 people in our home for the New Comer's dinner. We are so amazed as we hear the stories of people who literally happen upon us on the internet and come. Not only are they coming, God is bringing exactly who needs to be there because they are excited about the church and ready to get on board.  It's quite an overwhelming and humbling experience to see God do what He does on your behalf. We are very excited for the days to come, and we are really putting our faith out there for big things!

I will not whine bore you with pregnancy details, but if you must know I'm hanging in there.  That's putting it pretty generously, but it is what is is! Hoping to turn that glorious corner in a week or two as the second trimester approaches.  We're already so anxious to see what little Pate is inside of there...boy or girl. It's so great already having one of each, so this is like icing on the cake, baby. The kids seem pretty convinced for whatever reason that it's a girl.  It's funny, I have no idea why. Still have a while before we can find out though.

I'm really hoping to capture more of the "what life is like right now" moments and pics of the kids and do that more often here on the blog.  I find myself going back in time and trying to remember what they were like and what they were doing as babies and toddlers.  The truth is I have a hard time.  That was the reason I was so passionate about scrapbooking, so I could capture all of those things...and I still have that intention...but let's just not talk about it!  Having another one makes me really want to get caught up on all of that.  And it also makes me want to enjoy my children where they are at right now more.  We always say that, but it's so easy to get caught up in the day to day and feel as though it will always be this way.  I've been trying to just enjoy the "smallness" of them lately.  Especially with Addison, we tend to treat him like he's older than he is because most of the time he acts like it.  And then I'll hear a little giggle or get a sweet cuddle that reminds me he is still small.  I try not to linger too much on regret or be too hard on myself, but sometimes I find myself wanting to already relive the seven years of his childhood so far so we can go slower and restore some of the smallness back to him.  And again, I'm sure most of this is brought on by the fact that I'm having another baby (and that it's probably our last) that makes it all have such a finality to it. Like this is it- from this point on we move solely into raising up children that become little people and we will be THE Pates. Like no more. Okay, I should stop talking about this before I talk myself into having one more.

You can also blame that emotional little tangent on pregnancy hormones as well, I'm sure.  And the fact that we watched Toy Story 3 again last night and every time I see that movie I bawl like a baby and want to grab my children and freeze them in time. But I really do need those little reminders.  I guess we all do.  To be shaken out of the mundane of the day to day and enjoy our moments for what they really are, because we're not getting them back. So, carpe diem my precious friends and family reading on with me. And peace out from the Pate house.

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