Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Where did December go??

That's what I thought to myself when I logged onto this thing.  Can't believe my posting has been so sparse lately.  Oh wait, yes I can believe it.  It's because I've just kind of floated through December, half awake.

Growing a baby and no caffeine equals very very tired mommy.  I could sleep all day long!  Literally, a couple of days I woke up and then went back to sleep like an hour later!  I should take this opportunity to give a shout out to my absolutely wonderful, sweet husband.  He has been so gracious to me while I've been sickly and tired really helping out and doing things like getting everyone's breakfast so I can sleep (and bring mine to me in bed so I don't lose it before I put it in!).  He also has to do most of the dishes because our sink has a mysterious smell we can't seem to get rid of right now and it literally turns my stomach over.  Can hardly be around it.  Chris already said I had a "super sniffer" as it is, so pregnancy has turned it into like superpower levels.  Except it definitely works against me, not in my favor!  All that to say 1) my husband is amazing and I love him dearly and 2) this is the reason I am not getting around to things like blogging these days.  And there's my personal update. One of these days, hopefully pretty soon, the tune will be changing.  It's just a phase, and it will pass :)  And then pregnant bliss will ensue. At least that's how it worked the other two times, anyway :)

We had ourselves a quiet little Christmas here at the house.  I'm kind of in denial that the holidays are over, mostly because for us they're not!  We leave next week to visit family, so the kids will have two more Christmases before it's all said and done.  With just us and the kids, it felt a little empty at moments since we weren't with any of our family, but it was still a sweet time.  And we had company for Christmas lunch.  Some friends from the church came over and they brought some really yummy food with them, so that was really nice!  I also made a chocolate cake from scratch and an eggnog cheesecake, both of which were a hit.  I do love baking :) We went over one night and decorated gingerbread houses with friends, went to look at Christmas lights (we went to River Oaks- like the richest neighborhood in Houston-these houses were so amazing!), and we even found Santa outside at one of the houses which was fun!  We also had our really awesome church Christmas party that you can see pics on my Facebook page if you want to.  It was such a great night!

Our gingerbread house turned out to be quite interesting....had to be rescued because it kept falling apart!

Um, don't you just want to eat that up??....

Santa! Had to bribe Addison because he knew it wasn't the real santa.  We actually told him the story this year of the real St. Nicolas, so I don't really know what he thinks about the "other" Santas.  He didn't talk about it much, but also didn't seem too upset or disappointed about it all, either! 

A quick pose before tearing into the presents!

They were really happy with their gifts! (They opened ours and G-ma and G-pa's presents here)

Of course you know who was right in the middle of it.  Yes, that's a Christmas shirt. Not a sweater- I can't do the sweaters.  But I thought this shirt was funny because it says, "Sorry Santa- I ate the cookies." It was so fitting.

Our Christmas lunch crew.  Such fun!

And we got an early Christmas present: we got to see little baby Pate for the first time at my first doctor's appt a few days before Christmas.  Of course, at this stage he/she just looks like a little bean blob in there, but she zoomed in so you could see the little flicker heart beating.  It's amazing every time.  Something so tiny with a beating heart. I am happy to suffer through all the symptoms when I remember that is what's going on inside of me :)

The part that is the dotted line is baby- the other part is the yolk sac which will soon become part of the placenta.  According to the pics, the due date(s) are anywhere from Aug 8-10th.  Who knows!

I really hate to lump sum all of Christmas into one post, but that's what it is.  I resolve to get back into better blogging habits in the new year.  So, here's hoping!  Hope all of you have enjoyed your holiday!  Peace out from the Pate house.

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