Friday, April 17, 2009

Fresh off the Pate press...

Words of the Wise:
Addison: (spelling God), G-O-D...  I just wonder why God named Himself that.  He's so big and so special.  (implying that there should be a bigger and more complex name for God)

Yesterday was one of those you-need-these-days-every-once-in-a-while kind of days.  Kids getting along.  Good times with clients at the gym.  Domestication (cleaning).  Baseball practice cancelled due to weather.  Last client canceling leaving the rest of the day and evening open.  Nap. Watching bluejays build a nest out the kitchen window. Favorite home cooked meal. Got paid. Chris coming home with a dozen roses for no special reason.  And Cadence going an entire day in panties with no accident.  Some will realize the magnitude of that statement.  For as many days as I feel completely overwhelmed and a little bit like not-so-sure-I-can-do-all-of-this, it is such a tremendous gift to have a day where everything goes right, you get it all in and then some, and you feel a little superwoman-ish.  

To expound a little on the Cadence situation, she saw some My Little Ponies panties at the store and begged for them.  She has never done that before, and I'm up for anything concerning this area, so we bought them hoping it would inspire her to completely join the world of the potty trained.  I made her a chart (which we've tried before unsuccessfully) that when she fills it up with stickers, I will buy her a new My Little Pony.  All of which has been tried before, but I'm just going to keep on trying things knowing that when she's ready she'll do it.  Actually I've never bribed with an ultimate prize.  Hoping the right (ha-guess it depends on your perspective!) motivation will keep her going this time.  So we were thrilled to have a dry day yesterday.  This morning she did have an accident while eating breakfast, but she's still doing pretty good other than that.  We'll see.  Lots of prayer, people.  Lots of prayer.

Addison has had two separate incidents this week of bursting into tears missing our dog, Jazz, who's been gone for almost two years.  Genuine, heart-hearting, flowing tears.  This is so strange because he's rarely spoken of him, and he was pretty young when he disappeared.  And he wasn't watching shows with dogs or anything related.  Seemed completely unsolicited.  His little spirit is so tender. Just breaks my heart, considering I would also like to have another dog.  Anyone like to start the "Get the Pates a Dog" foundation?  Actually, we can't have a dog until we own this house unless we convince the owner otherwise.  Maybe we can change his mind!  

We have our first baseball game tomorrow.  Go Wolverines!  Pictures to follow, I'm sure :)  Signing off for now...

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