Friday, February 6, 2009

Words of the Wise

I could fill a book with the funny, random, and precociously wise things that come out of Addison's mouth.  I thoroughly enjoy the process of him processing life as it comes at him.  For some reason a lot of our deep conversations happen on the little six minute drive to church on Wednesdays.  When I say deep I'm not being sarcastic.  At five years old he is already delving into some theologies and philosophies that I find myself searching (and praying) for ways to communicate properly and effectively to him.  We (mostly him) had a funny and random conversation on the way to church last week, so I will relay it to you here:

(Literally out of thin air:)
Addison:  Mommy, I'm just glad I'm not a girl.
Me: Why is that?
Addison: Well, because then I would have to push out the babies.  And that would really hurt. 
Me: (thinking how wise my son is and how he should always remember to appreciate that) Yep.  It really hurts.
Addison: But I do want to have kids one day.  (pause)  It's more fun when you have a family.
Me:  You will be a really great daddy.  
Addison: Yeah, but it's not up to me if I have kids.  It's God's decision.  He's the one that decides if you have a family.  
(pause)  I hope I've been good enough for God to pick me to have kids. 
Me: (pause, wondering how to answer that) Well, it's not about how good you are.  God knows in your heart you want to have kids so you will have a family one day.  He gives you the desires of your heart. 
Addison: Oh.  I don't know why some people don't have kids.  It's not very fun.

And leaving you with a conversation he had with Chris about the tooth fairy:

Chris: Maybe since you lost a big front tooth you'll get more money from the tooth fairy.
Addison:  Yeah, well maybe.  But I shouldn't get too much money because then I might love money more than God.  And some people do like money more than they like God.  And that's not good. 

Um, yeah.  I don't ever remember having a conversation about that with him.  Maybe similar things, but not that specifically.  Good grasp of the Kingdom, kiddo. Makes me wonder what else is floating around in that little head...

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