Monday, December 19, 2011

But Merry Christmas Anyway

Back-slidden. Fallen off the wagon. Gone to the dogs. And any other phrase that comes to mind along those lines. Yep, that's how I would describe my current status with this blog. And during the most wonderful time of the year, nonetheless. It should not be so. I'm coming back to you, I promise. I'm currently traveling sans computer so I cannot access photos to put on here from our adventures of late. But we are still here, trying to enjoy our holiday and embrace the season. There's a great irony in life that things, left unattended, tend to drift towards complexity. It is a more difficult battle in which one must be fully engaged to try to keep it simple. Working harder to keep it easier. It's a strange thought. And that's where we're living right now, trying to embrace and adopt that for the holidays as well. I hope you and yours are simply enjoying the season. I have some fun pictures and adventures to share with you soon! Peace out from the traveling Pate house.

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