Saturday, June 19, 2010

Discovering Discovery Green

About to tie the bow on the package of another week. Still some boxes to unpack. But lots of life is happening instead of having the time to unpack, so it's a trade I will make any day. We had some lovely people visit our home this week. Building relationships is the name of the game at this stage, which is great for us because spending time with people just so happens to be one of our favorite things :) There are truly great people here, and we can't know them fast enough.

Spending time with people is the major upside. The other stuff-the nonstop details to take care of, crafting a church service filled with excellence, files and files of seven years of history, things (mostly technological) not working right, learning new programs, trying to make running a church out of a room in your house work and not enough hours in the day- kind of stuff- well, that's the emotional roller coaster side. Good moments and super challenging, overwhelming moments. We are so grateful for all of the prayers and support of family and friends, and we can only say- keep it coming! This is hard work! And absolutely worth it.

So back to the title of my post- last night we had a little outing as a family. It's so good for us to get out and do stuff like that, because we fall more in love with the city every time we're out in it (yes, even in the traffic and ungodly heat), so it's great for encouragement and perspective. It's just a cool place to live with fun things to do :) Plus my husband needs a break! What made the evening even better was the family from church that has the kids I have mentioned before met us there. So glad to spend some time with them! I'm not going to post all of the pictures I took (and most of you that read this saw them on Facebook already I'm sure), but I'm posting the link that will take you to the Facebook album. Discovery Green park was a super hip place. As we were eating outside in the middle of this beautiful background, I said to Chris: "I can't believe we actually live here." Like it's not a vacation. But things like Discovery Park are in our city.

And I'm going to leave it at that. I digress- I'm so tired that I can barely string two thoughts together. And too bad, because I was in such a mood to wax poetic about our experience.....yesterday.....but now I'm done. And we have our most awesome service at City Life Church in the morning, so a few hour's sleep at least is needed.

Peace out from the Pate house.

Click here to view the pictures...

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