Saturday, March 21, 2009

March Madness!

Of the Pate family kind, that is.  The question is not what are we up to this month, it's what aren't we up to this month!  That's why this little bloggity-blog hasn't gotten a lot of love lately.

Hmm, let's see... since the last post we've had a fabulous Little Einsteins birthday party for Cadence (I'll refer you to the Shutterfly link on the right to view pics from the party), me traveling to Lubbock the next weekend to help Mom with a three day pom clinic (including a visit to our wonderful friends whom I have not seen in ages), baseball season starting back up again with Chris assistant coaching this year (which means two practices and two games a week), me having one of my last Pilates trainings this weekend (this is me cheering on the inside), Chris leaving on Wednesday for Campus Harvest for six days (and a 21 hour drive both ways), and the kids going to Granna and Poppy's for a few days (yes,that means I will be completely and utterly alone for a few days and have mixed feelings about it), and the last week of the month/first week of next month includes going to see the Broadway production of Annie in Lubbock and coming back to launch all of our new group fitness programs at the gym which is a lot of outside practices.....      

Okay you can take a breath now.  Incredibly long run-on sentence and bad grammar intentional.   With baseball season in swing it means we have something every single day of the week, and most days lots of things in one day.  There are days I wish that we were all just relaxing on the couch after 5 every day, but we are enjoying all of the things in our life right now.  As hard as it is as good as it is.  

We started off baseball season with a bang- or should I say banged up.  The first practice was at a school field that was covered in stickers.  When I say covered, I mean when the ball rolled and they picked it up it had like 20 stickers on it.  Well, naturally within the first ten minutes of practice starting, Addison was running and fell.  Into the stickers.  Wearing shorts.  There is no denying that really hurt, but that was the wrong kid for that to happen to!  Let's just say he doesn't handle situations like that very gracefully.  It caused a huge drama that left us thinking we were quitting after the first day.  But luckily we all slept on it and the next one was better. And a different location.  Tonight's practice had him getting nailed with the ball right on the collar bone.  Geez.  Hopefully at the end of the day we're all still having fun and learning!

Well, there's many other things to discuss in the world of all things Pate, but considering that I started this post two days ago and am just now pulling it up again let's just call it a day.  Pray for our little family as we're all scattering in different directions.  Back soon with more breaking news!


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