On the bright side I had my life group girlies over last night which was fun. And because of that my home got a much needed cleaning, something I'm glad got done but didn't want to spend my alone time doing it! And I did have some time to do a little shopping trying to gather something fantastically coordinating for Easter for us (as a result I have two sets of fantastically coordinating outfits for us and must choose). And I've been jamming to the new Israel CD, which has made it a little less boring. And sleeping in this morning before my noon class was nice. And I made some money because I stayed. Thank you Lord for provision. I remain very thankful for that, and it continues to be a blessing in our life. But I'm not gonna lie- hearing about my kids playing in snow drifts as tall as they are, Chris having a great conference in NC, and Alesha and her kids having a blast in Arkansas made me long for the days I could just pick up and leave!
And now I'm done. Pity party over. Just needed to whine about it a little to a captive audience (hey if you're still reading I didn't make you!) This evening I actually do have some time (aside from doing laundry), so I plan on having some good time spent in the presence of the Lord where He will refresh and renew me. I'm sure we'll have some stories to tell or pictures to show from everyone's adventures. And now you know mine (try to contain your excitement). I will meet my parents half way tomorrow after church to pick up the kids who probably don't even want to come home because I'm sure they've had a blast. Basically I'm just ready to see everyone again and get back into the groove! I love my little family so much!